What's the Big Idea?
A podcast about big ideas in education. Tune in to listen and think, then respond on Instagram @BigIdeaEd and Bluesky @dankearney
75 episodes
A Golden Hour with Anya Kamenetz
In which Dan chats with Anya Kamenetz, an author, speaker, and reporter who's done lots of big thinking on the most important issues facing our world. Anya writes The Golden Hour Substack; she covered education for many years for NPR; and her n...

Talking Curriculum, Learning Transfer, and AI with Cindy Blackburn
In which Dan chats with Cindy Blackburn, Director of Learning and Engagement at Toddle, about curriculum, that "dirty word" at many progressive schools. Cindy is also the host of the School Leaders Project podcast, where she interviews leading ...

Olina Banerji on How Schools Are Processing the Election
In which Dan chats with Olina Banerji, a reporter for EdWeek who recently wrote a great article, "Schools Are Eerily Quiet...

Oshri Hakak on Mental Health, Creativity, and Hope
In which Dan sits down (in person!) with Oshri Hakak (@oshrihakak), children's author, mental health advocate, and all-around deep thinker about the world we live in. Oshri collaborates with NAMI Westside Los Angeles (@namiwla) to talk with stu...

Little People, Big Ideas
In which Dan talks about addressing hard topics and fielding tough questions from our smallest students with Kat Nguyen, a Kindergarten teacher in California. How do early childhood teachers address the questions and comments that inevitably ar...

Teaching the Election and Civic Engagement
In which Dan talks about how teachers can feel prepared and empowered to teach and talk about the upcoming election. He's joined by Erica Hodgin from Facing History & Ourselves, truly the gold st...

Getting Technoskeptical with Dan Krutka
In which Dan discusses the nature of technology with Dan Krutka, an associate professor at the University of North Texas, a prolific academic writer, and one of the founders of Civics of Technology, a project and online community founded on som...

In the education laboratory with Garreth Heidt
In which Dan talks with Garreth Heidt, an educator in Pennsylvania who’s spent a career thinking about and practicing how education could be different. Garreth leads the Nova LAB program at Perkiomen Valley HS. Dan and Garreth discuss h...

Tyler Rablin Returns to Talk Assessment
In which Dan chats with Tyler Rablin (@Mr_Rablin) about how teachers can make assessment really work for student motivation, purpose, and confidence. Tyler is a teacher and instructional coach in Washington, and he's the author of the new book ...

WTBI Flash Draft: We Have a STEM Problem
In which Dan comments on our nation's obsession with STEM education and misaligned priorities. We've been sold a story by industry leaders that STEM jobs are the future; we lionize tech and math nerds; we push kids to take the highest possible ...

Finding that "Beautiful, Magical Thing" in Girls with Donna Jackson Nakazawa
In which Dan talks about the challenges facing girls today--and reasons for optimism--with Donna Jackson Nakazawa. Donna is the author of seven books, most recently Girls on the Brink: Helping Our Daughters Thrive in an Era of Increased Anxiety...

Media Literacy's Moment with Tim Krueger
In which Dan talks media literacy--the skills needed to responsibly decode, assess, and create media--with Tim Krueger, a Social Studies teacher in Syracuse, New York, and someone who's been doing a ton of thinking and teaching about this essen...

WTBI Flash Draft: Human Stories and Authentic Learning
In which Dan takes a few minutes to share his thoughts on the power of putting students in a position to hear and reflect on personal stories. Drawing on recent experiences with a Holocaust survivor and an immigration unit, Dan talks about how ...

Learning & Growing Outdoors with Fulcrum
In which Dan explores the power of outdoor experiential learning with Fulcrum Adventures, a Los Angeles-based company and leader in the team building and outdoor youth development space. Their motto is Do. Risk. Grow. Dan talks...

Modern Puberty with Dr. Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennett
In which Dan talks about puberty--that rite of passage that many of us would sooner forget--and how for kids today it looks and feels so very different from a generation ago. He talks to Dr. Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennett, hosts of th...
Nerding Out with Celeste Kirsh
In which Dan talks with Celeste Kirsh, middle school educator, podcast host, and Ph.D. student. Celeste is a deeply reflective and thoughtful person, and so Dan picks her brain about digital media literacy, teaching young people to write, and w...

Annie Abrams on How Advanced Placement 'Shortchanges' Students
In which Dan talks with Annie Abrams, public school teacher and author of the new book Shortchanged: How Advanced Placement Cheats Students. Dan was always skeptical of the AP for reasons related to cost and its content-heavy nature, b...

Teaching the Holocaust and Facing Antisemitism
In which Dan interviews Yehudah Potok, Director of Jewish Education Program and Lead for the Antisemitism Project at Facing History and Ourselves. A recent uptick in antisemitism around t...

Black History Year with Femi Redwood
In which Dan discusses history, representation, and America's blindspots with Femi Redwood (@femiredwood), journalist and host of the podcast Beyond Black History Month, which has just kicked off its second season. They talk about the very idea...

Rebecca Stefoff On Bringing Big Ideas to Young Readers
In which Dan learns all about the book adaptation process from Rebecca Stefoff (@RebeccaStefoff), author of numerous fiction and nonfiction titles. Notably, Rebecca has adapted important works by Howard Zinn, Ronald Takaki, and Charles Darwin...

Kindra Neely on Surviving a School Shooting and Her Powerful New Graphic Memoir
In which Dan talks with Kindra Neely (@kindraneely), author of the new graphic memoir Numb to This: Memoir of a Mass Shooting. Neely is a survivor of the 2...

Monte Syrie on the Teaching Journey
In which Dan chats with Monte Syrie (@MonteSyrie) about the gains, pains, and learning that comes with being a professional educator. Our fast-paced, get-it-now culture can lead teachers to think that they should be polished and amazing NOW. Mo...

School is starting again...so what have we learned?
In which Dan asks a bunch of really smart educators, "What have the past two+ years taught us?" We're entering another school year of pandemic teaching and learning, so what do we have to show for it? Forget the think pieces online and the ra...