What's the Big Idea?
A podcast about big ideas in education. Tune in to listen and think, then respond on Instagram @BigIdeaEd and Bluesky @dankearney
What's the Big Idea?
Rebecca Stefoff On Bringing Big Ideas to Young Readers
In which Dan learns all about the book adaptation process from Rebecca Stefoff (@RebeccaStefoff), author of numerous fiction and nonfiction titles. Notably, Rebecca has adapted important works by Howard Zinn, Ronald Takaki, and Charles Darwin, and her efforts have made seminal texts such as A People's History of the United States accessible for young people. Dan and Rebecca talk about her career as an author, how she goes about adapting, and why it's so vital to get these ideas in the hands of the youth.
Mentioned in the episode:
A Young People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, adapted Rebecca Stefoff
A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
On the Origin of Species: Young Readers Edition by Charle Darwin, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
How to Change Everything: The Young Human's Guide to Protecting the Planet and Each Other by Naomi Klein, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
As always, I welcome comments and questions on Twitter and Instagram @BigIdeaEd
Music: "Que Es Extraño" by Molo via Creative Commons Media
Mentioned in the episode:
A Young People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, adapted Rebecca Stefoff
A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
On the Origin of Species: Young Readers Edition by Charle Darwin, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
How to Change Everything: The Young Human's Guide to Protecting the Planet and Each Other by Naomi Klein, adapted by Rebecca Stefoff
As always, I welcome comments and questions on Twitter and Instagram @BigIdeaEd
Music: "Que Es Extraño" by Molo via Creative Commons Media