What's the Big Idea?
A podcast about big ideas in education. Tune in to listen and think, then respond on Instagram @BigIdeaEd and Bluesky @dankearney
What's the Big Idea?
Monte Syrie on the Teaching Journey
In which Dan chats with Monte Syrie (@MonteSyrie) about the gains, pains, and learning that comes with being a professional educator. Our fast-paced, get-it-now culture can lead teachers to think that they should be polished and amazing NOW. Monte's career, and reflection on that career, suggest that patience is a virtue and that we can all grow into greatness. As always, I welcome comments and questions on Twitter and Instagram @BigIdeaEd
Mentioned in the show:
Project 180 by Monte Syrie
Monte's writing for Edutopia
Better: A Teacher's Journey by Monte Syrie
Music: "Que Es Extraño" by Molo via Creative Commons Media