What's the Big Idea?
A podcast about big ideas in education. Tune in to listen and think, then respond on Instagram @BigIdeaEd and Bluesky @dankearney
What's the Big Idea?
Thinking About Education After the Capitol Attack with Joel Westheimer
In which Dan talks about education in the context of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. He's joined by Joel Westheimer (@joelwestheimer), professor of education at the University of Ottawa and someone's who done lots of thinking and writing about civics education. They talk about the Canadian view of the attack, the meaning of civics education, and how a lack of media literacy might be education's biggest blindspot. As always, we welcome comments and questions on Twitter @BigIdeaEd
Mentioned in the show:
What Kind of Citizen? Educating Our Children For the Common Good by Joel Westheimer
Pledging Allegiance: The Politics of Patriotism in American's Schools by Joel Westheimer
Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
Media Literacy on Common Sense Media
Music: "Que Extrano Es" by Molo courtesy of Tribe of Noise